Here is an overview of extern awards in recent years:
Year 2020:
Peter Sanders received an ERC Advanced Grant for his project „ScAlBox – Engineering Scalable Algorithms for the Basic Toolbox“. For further information visit the websites of the KIT Department of Informatics and the European Research Council.
Year 2019:
Dorothea Wagner received the Konrad-Zuse-Medaille of the Gesellschaft für Informatik for being an outstanding scientist. Her contributions for computer science are among the best in the world and can be found in numerous applications today. These include, for example, automated route planning or the optimization of energy systems.
Mark Blacher won the ACM SIGMOD Programming Contest 2019
Year 2018:
Daniel Funke, Sebastian Lamm, Peter Sanders, Christian Schulz, Darren Strash, Moritz von Looz received the Best Paper at IPDPS
Lina Humbeck, Sebastian Weigang, Till Schäfer, Petra Mutzel, Oliver Koch recieved the Important Paper Award with Cover Feature for CHIPMUNK: A Virtual Synthesizable Small-Molecule Library for Medicinal Chemistry, Exploitable for Protein–Protein Interaction Modulators
Year 2017:
Friedhelm Meyer auf der Heide is a memeber of the National Academy of Science and Engineering (acatech)
Christian Schulz received the Heinz Billing Prize for outstanding contributions to computational science
Katharina Anna Zweig received the ARS LEGENDI Award for excellent university teaching
Year 2015:
Lina Humbeck and Oliver Koch received the Best Poster Award for Chemogenomics analysis of small molecule bioactivity data: Privileged scaffolds and conserved structural elements in proteins